Why Store Your Setup Sheet Online and Share It with Others?

A setup sheet is a document that lists all of the settings and configurations for a particular piece of equipment. It is an essential tool for anyone who works with equipment, as it can help to ensure that the equipment is set up correctly and that it is operating at its best. In the past, setup sheets were typically stored in physical form, such as in a binder or on a computer. However, there are Read more…

Why the Motorsport Community Needs Their Own Social Media Platform

The motorsport community is a diverse and passionate group of people. They come from all walks of life, but they are all united by their love of motorsport. However, the current social media landscape is not well-suited to the needs of the motorsport community. Most social media platforms are designed for general audiences. They are not tailored to the specific needs of motorsport fans. This can make it difficult for motorsport fans to connect with Read more…

Why Connect Motorsport Devices to a Web App?

Motorsport is a data-driven sport. Teams collect vast amounts of data from their cars, drivers, and the track in order to gain an edge over the competition. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of connecting motorsport devices to web apps. This allows teams to access data in real time and make informed decisions about how to improve their performance. There are many benefits to connecting motorsport devices to a web app. Here Read more…